Medical Cost Sharing
An Alternative to Health Insurance

What is Health Sharing

Health sharing is a unique and alternative approach to traditional health insurance, where members come together to collectively share the burden of medical expenses. In this system, individuals or families pool their resources by contributing a predetermined amount of money each month into a shared fund. This fund is then used to cover the healthcare costs of those who are in need.

Unlike conventional insurance plans, health sharing relies on principles rooted in community support and mutual responsibility.

Moreover, health sharing promotes personal accountability by encouraging healthy lifestyles and preventive care measures since each member's overall wellness directly affects the collective financial stability of the group.
MPB Health

Health Sharing vs Health Insurance

Health sharing, a unique alternative to traditional health insurance, offers individuals an innovative approach to managing their healthcare expenses. Unlike traditional health insurance, which operates on the concept of risk pooling and premiums based on statistical data, health sharing is founded upon principles of mutual aid and collective responsibility among members who share similar beliefs or values.

The major difference between health sharing and traditional health insurance is that medical cost sharing plans are nonprofit, meaning all the collected funds are allocated towards the expenses of members. Whereas, traditional health insurance companies are large corporations with a fidutianry for profit responsibiliy to its shareholders.